Amsterdam Truffles

Happy Tea Evening Groove


Get into the groove with this light and airy mix. An evening cup, perfect for social gatherings and to relax the day with good company and delicious white flower tea.

Combined with: Organic white tea Pai Mu Tan, green tea China Chun Mee, white tea Mao Feng, grape, natural flavors, rose petals, vanilla, 5-HTP, ginseng and black pepper

Intention: To move and groove with your friends

Taste: Vanilla rose

Comes with: one tea bag and the dose of your choice

Effects: conviviality, energy, mood boost, groovy

Amount of caffeine in tea bag: 81.6 mg (high)



Happy Tea blends are designed to be added to truffles, but on their own they do not contain psilocybin.

1. Determine the dose of truffle

Less than 1g = probably won't feel much

1g = can feel a little buzz

2g = will feel a slight buzz

3g = shared dose (2 people)

4g = shared dose (2-4 people)

2. Prepare a pot

Add your ground truffle to your tea bag (optional) and place it in a pot containing at least 500 ml of water.

3. Pour into cup(s).

After steeping for at least 5 minutes, serve 2-3 cups per person.


4. Refill or store

Add more water to the pot to steep again, or store the tea in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

This product does not contain psilocybin

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